To do your first insulin calculation in Hedia Diabetes Assistant you need to set up the insulin calculator.
To start setting up the insulin calculator, press the plus icon (+) at the bottom of the screen. You will now enter the page where you can set up your insulin calculator.
To start the setup, press the button “Let’s go”. On this page you will be prompted to enter the treatment type. The treatment type can be either;
- Pen (whole and half unit precision)
- Pump.
Next enter the unit for measuring your blood glucose;
- mmol/L
- mg/dL.
Below this you have the option to choose the rapid-acting and long-acting insulin type. It is optional to register both rapid-acting & long-acting insulin. Long-acting insulin is part of the total daily dose, which is used to calculate the insulin sensitivity factor and insulin-to-carb ratio. However, this is the only time long acting insulin is used in the calculation and it will not otherwise be considered in bolus calculations or as part of "active insulin".
Next you will enter the user's insulin settings. During the initial setup, insulin settings can be calculated using both;
- Total daily dose
- Insulin sensitivity and Insulin to carb ratio
After the initial setup you can adjust the insulin sensitivity and insulin to carb ratio where required.
In “Total daily dosage”. the entire amount of insulin (both rapid and long acting insulin) that is taken on a given day is included. HDA will then calculate your insulin-to-carb ratio and insulin sensitivity factor.
The other way you can enter your insulin settings is by entering “Insulin-to-carb ratio and insulin sensitivity factor”. To do this press the “Insulin-to-carb ratio and insulin sensitivity factor” button. Afterwards you can enter your insulin-to-carb ratio and insulin sensitivity factor. Press 'Next' to finalise your insulin settings.
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